MaxxECU PRO PREMIUM PACKAGE (ECU, harnesses, accessories and LSU 4.2)

$6,099.90 AUD

MaxxECU PRO PREMIUM PACKAGE (ECU, harnesses, accessories and LSU 4.2)


More information

MaxxECU PRO is a product developed from the ground up to be flexible, reliable and fast. MaxxECU PRO gives the user complete engine control!

Fast Facts:

  • Up to 12 cylinders sequentially.
  • 16 injector outputs (low or high impedance injectors).
  • 12 ignition outputs
  • 12 inputs for exhaust gas temperature sensors (EGT).
  • Built in MAP-sensor for boost pressure up to 3bar (400Kpa).
  • Built in driver for dual WBO sensors (LSU 4.2 and 4.9 compatible)
  • Dual E-Throttle(DBW) support.
  • Dual knock sensor input
  • 16 optional 0-5V inputs.
  • 6 additional temperature inputs.
  • 10 additional digital inputs (4 of them can be used with VR sensors)
  • 30 auxiliary outputs (GPO), 8 of them +12v outputs
  • 2 0-5V output.
  • 1 5-10v output (sensor output).
  • Dual CAN bus.
  • Waterproof aluminum case.
  • Connectors, software and settings completely backwards compatible with standard MaxxECU. Easy upgrade.
  • Full MaxxECU PRO Feature List -  Here


    Products Included In This Package

    alt title
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    1 x 871
MaxxECU V1/RACE/PRO flying lead wiring harness connector 1

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    1 x 1470 MaxxECU Pro Flying Lead Harness 3m Connector 2 (EGT)


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    1 x 1468 MaxxECU PRO Flying Lead Harness 3m Connector 3 (cyl 9-16 E-Throttle, Extra Out)


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    1 x 1467 MaxECU PRO Flying Lead Harness 3m Connector 4 (Extra in/out, CAN 2, Knock)


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    2 x 107
Lambda Sensor Bosch wideband lambda LSU 4.2


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    2 x 894
Connector 6-way socket housing (LSU 4.2 wideband sensor)


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    1 x 927
Connector 12-way socket housing GT150 (fits MaxxECU harness)


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    1 x 949
MaxxECU Bluetooth mobile antenna


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    1 x 1606
MaxxECU USB PC cable 1.5m (PRO/RACE H2O)


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    1 x 928
MaxxECU hose kit (MAP sensor incl nipples)


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    1 x 1052
MaxxECU extra cable for installations


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    2 x 1235
MaxxECU sticker


    alt title
    1 x 1852
MaxxECU Quick Guide (English)


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    1 x 2214 MaxxECU PRO Bracket Kit


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